Followers of the Way let there be Light
Followers of the Way let there be Light
Followers of the Way let there be Light intro
- Talking about the the purpose of the podcast.
- Who we are
- what you would be hearing
- What you will not be hearing
- What is the true Name of the Most High
- What is the true name of the Son
- who and what is the Way
Questions? Comments? email me at jeremiah@theartofliberation.org
For more information visit theartoflibertion.org
Hello, and welcome to Followers of the Way, Let There Be Light. I will be your host throughout this podcast. My name is Jeremiah. Uh, the reason, um, for this podcast is I truly believe that in these last days, there is a great need, a great cry, a great seeking, a great awakening that is taking place where the Bible says that.
The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in Truth
so I want to take this time to do what I feel that the Father has placed on my heart is to be a bearer of the truth, to be sort of speak like a watchman, a defender of the gospel, a defender of the truth, and to go against those that oppose the truth, but we're not fighting people. The Bible says. That we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, spiritual wickedness in high places.
So, I'm not here to fight people. I'm not here to call people out. I'm not here to offend people. I am here to preach the truth. If the truth offends you, then you got to take that up with the Messiah. This is not my gospel. This is not my kingdom. I don't have the authority to tell you. What to do or what not to do.
I can only speak from the authority that was given unto me. And that's the word. So, I'm not offending you. It's the word that is offending you. So, I want to take this time to make this more of an intro as to what is followers of the way. Let there be a light. What is about what are we going to talk about here?
What is this podcast about light followers of the way? Let there be light. Let's talk about light light expose darkness. And truth exposes the spirit of error for Yahushua said, he is the way, the truth, and the life. This truth is not for everyone. Yahusha said it the best. He said, I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law, and a man's foe should be they of his own household.
The truth hurts. But It also helps ask yourself, would you rather know the truth now or find out later when we stand before the most high, just to find out what we believed in was a lie and we forsake truth. Because it was too hard to realize that the pride of life kept most of us from coming to the full knowledge of the truth.
Here on this podcast, we will be talking about truth according to the Bible, not Greek mythology, not man-made philosophy, not man-made traditions, not cultures and religion. None of that means nothing, Paul said it best. He said, when I come to you, I don't want to hear nothing except Yahushua being crucified and him being glorified.
Nothing else to Paul mattered and that's what this podcast is about. That's what we're going to talk about. We are going to be talking about repentance, salvation, baptism, the real name of the Most High when he introduced himself to mankind and whatever Yahuah puts on my heart is what we're going to talk about here on this podcast.
Now, what we would not. Be talking about is man-made doctrine. Like I said in religion, everything here will be geared to exposing lies in Revealing the truth. It is written. You shall know the truth and it is the truth that sets you free Yahusha said, He is that way, He is that truth, He is that life. So I'm asking you, follow me as I follow the way.
Who are we?
What do we stand for?
We are a voice of one crying in the wilderness, pointing to those who have ears to hear towards the way that led to everlasting life. What is the purpose of this podcast? To shine light, AKA understanding to those who sit in darkness and expose the spirit of error by the spirit of truth.
So, the reason why you won't hear things or titles such as God or Lord or Jesus or any of those things is simply because you don't. That is not Bible one, it is man made two, and these are names and titles that man want to give to our creator. So, man want to name the creator, the eternal Elohim, God, they want to name him Lord.
They want to name him a name, Jesus. When in the Bible, our Heavenly Father introduced himself by name. By name, over a hundred and fifty times, that’s both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Nowhere did he ever introduce himself by any other name. Over a hundred and fifty times, I think we should get the point.
That is his name. So, a lot of you may be wondering, what is the real name, the true name of the Father? A name that man did not give him. We all know that the Heavenly Father does not need an interpreter. He can speak. When He created everything, He created the heavens alone, the Bible says. He didn't need any help.
The Bible says that he's going to build his church and never said that we are going to build the church. He said he's going to build his church. So, he stands alone. He operates alone. He is the King of Kings. He is the Elohim of any Lord. So, what is his name? Like I said before, we. Going to keep it Bible.
If you look at the book of Exodus chapter 3 verse 15 So let me kind of set this up, right? So before Moses there was Abraham There was Isaac and there was a Jacob now these great men did not know the name of the father They didn't know so that's why when Elohim appeared to Moses in a burning bush Moses wasn't sure what was going on.
It wasn't until Elohim said to Moses that I'm the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Immediately, Moses fell to his feet, to his knees, because Moses knew who that deity was that was speaking to him. Moses knew that that deity was the Hebrew Elohim. Moses knew that, but nobody knew the name of that deity.
Moses was the only one that had enough courage to ask, what is your name? He said, you fit to send me to these people. And I know they’re going to say, who sent you? And what's his name? If we read the Bible before Elohim revealed his name to Moses, he said, I am. We know I am is not a name. We know that right?
It's a title. It's a statement and it's a powerful statement Reason why he did not give his name at first to Moses because he wanted to establish Himself as I am everything. I'm the food you eat The breath you breathe, the clothes you wear, the shoes you wear, the ground you walk on, the dirt you use, the rocks you use, the wood you use.
There's nothing that you see that you touch, feel, or smell that is not me. He wanted to establish; I am everything. Because if he would have given his name first, Moses would have more questions than who made you and who made the dust and who made the sky and who made the sun. That's why he established his deity.
I am. I am what I am. I'm everything. Now, the heavenly father knew that he was sending Moses on a great task, and he was equipped, he was given Moses the tool that he need to battle against spiritual wickedness and principalities and high places. Moses was not going to fight Pharaoh. Moses was going to fight the false gods of Pharaoh and not getting much into it, but maybe another episode.
Every plague represented the gods of Egypt, the frogs, they had a statue of a god, of a frog god, you know, the locusts, they had a, a god look like a locust, so everything Every plague represent the gods. So, this was a spiritual battle. Elohim wanted to show Pharaoh, I'm greater than all of your gods and then some.
When Elohim revealed his name to Moses, he not only told Moses what his name was, he established that name forever. So, let's read Exodus chapter three, verse 15. It says, And Elohim said moreover unto Moses, This shall you say to the children of Israel, Yahuah, Elohim of your fathers, Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob has sent me unto you.
This is my name forever, and this is my memorial.
He told Moses his name, and he told Moses, don't get it twisted. My name is Yahuah, but yet and still, I'm the same Yahuah of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Don't think there was worshiping another deity. It was me. I'm revealing to you, my name. Now, let me establish it, he said. He said, this is my name forever.
Where in that, where in that can we misinterpret that? Think about it. We have an everlasting Elohim. We have an everlasting father that said, this is my name forever. We all know that the father has no beginning and no ending. He always was there. Therefore, when does that name change? Think about it. Went, went, went, and where?
He also went on and he said this, and this is my memorial unto all generations. Do you know what that means? You and I, we are generational. Some of us can date our genealogy back to four to three to five generations. You understand? So, each generation died, like I'm a third generation of my family. And right now, my generation is slowly starting to die.
So, we're transitioning into the fourth generation. So, what he's saying here, this is my memorial unto all generations. It means no matter what timeline you were born in, no matter what generation you may be. No matter how big or much clout or celebrity status you may have. He said, this is my name in every single generation.
What did I mean? He wasn't planning on changing his name. Over 150 times, Yahuah introduced himself by name. If we look in the book of Isaiah chapter 43 verse eight, it says, I am Yahuah. This is my name, and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. More can we say. If I tell you my name is Jeremiah, what are you going to call me?
If you want to be respectful, you’re going to call me Jeremiah. If you tell me your name, and if I want to be respectful, I’m going to call you by your name until you give me a name. That is suitable for me to call you. Now if you don't gimme a name that is suitable or if I don't give you a name that is suitable for you to call me any other name outside of Jeremiah, you are disrespecting me and you are rude.
Now we know that, right. We don't need the Bible to understand that. So Yahuah will introduce himself over 150 times, both Old Testament and New Testament by this name. Then I think his name is Yahuah. I really do. He never changed. He never introduced himself by another name. Now, this is where we go wrong.
And this is what I mean here on this podcast. We are followers of the way, let there be light, light shines in darkness. So those that have a darkened understanding may see the light in that light is the way that led you to eternal life. We all hear the word Lord in the Bible now Here's the common sense when we read Exodus the way it is written right now in your Bible go to Exodus 3 15 It's going to say I am the Lord.
That's my name now at this point. Let's let's let's use common sense Is Lord a name. How many people have you met in your life, when you asked them their name, they said my name is Lord. Think about it. I have not one, I have not met one person on their birth certificate or their driver's license or state ID with the name Lord.
Now I know over in other countries, they had this title, Lord whoever, but that's a title. It's not a name. So do we believe that the Most High is intelligent and smart? Okay, so how can he tell Moses, think about this, I'm the Lord. That's my name. So Moses, excuse me, you are about to send Moses on a great task to fight some demons and some devils.
And when he goes to confront these demons and devil, he’s going to say, the Lord said, let my people go. That demon and devil going to say, Lord, who, right? Lord, who, who is the name of your Lord? So, we know. Exodus 3. 15 was changed. In fact, the true name of the Father, Yahuah, was taken out of the Bible 6, 600 times and replaced with Lord.
Google that. Do your own research. Before I tell you who that Lord is, when you say Lord, I’m going to let the Bible tell you, because I don't want you to think. This is my interpretation. These are my thoughts. This is what I believe. Turn with me to the book of Jeremiah chapter 23. We're going to read a few verses.
We're going to read from the verse 25 to 32. Start in 25. It says, this is what Jeremiah, Yah is telling Jeremiah and Jeremiah is telling the people. He said, Yahuah said, I have heard what the prophets said. They prophesize lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. Verse 26. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies?
Yeah, they are prophets of deceit of their own heart. Verse 27. which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for Bael. B A A L. That is Lord. When you see Lord, go ahead, Google it. Look in the Hebrew dictionary.
Lord means Baal, we know what bell is, right? A demon God, a false God. That's why Yahuah was telling Jeremiah that these prophets, prophets, prophesize lies in his name. He said, yeah, they are prophets. I agree, but they're prophets of deceit. Verse 28 says, the prophet that has a dream. Let, let him tell a dream and he that has my word, let him speak my word faithfully.
So he said, Hey, if you are a real prophet, you're a real preacher, you are a real person of YAH. And I give you a message and I give you a word, say it faithfully. Don't twist it. Don't try to interpret it. When Yahuah gave Moses his word, Moses took the exact word and the exact orders by throwing the staff down and the staff becoming a snake, putting his hand into a bosom and his bosom, his hand coming out with leprosy, Moses did according to what YAH asked him to do faithfully.
And that's what the father is saying in verse 28. He said, if you are a prophet and you had a dream, you got a message, let him tell the message that he, that he got from me, but speak it, speak my word faithfully. He says, what is the shaft to the wheat says Yahuah verse 29 is not my word like as fire says Yahuah and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces.
Verse 30 Therefore, behold, I'm against the prophets, says Yahuah, that steal my words, everyone from his neighbor. Verse 31. Behold, I'm against the prophets, says Yahuah, that use their tongues and say, he says. Verse 32. Behold, I'm I'm against them that prophesize false dreams, says Yahuah, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies and by their lightness.
Yet I sent them not, nor commanded them, therefore they should not profit these people at all, says Yahuah. What is he saying? Think What is he saying here? He said he's against the people that prophesize lies in his name to the people that cause his people to err. And that's what I mean, followers of the way, let there be light.
Light expose darkness and truth exposes the spirit of error. Just like we read here in the book of Jeremiah, he said, the people that are spreading these lies about me. And about my word, he said, they shall not profit the people. What did I mean? You're not doing these people any good. You're not doing them no favors.
In fact, you lead them down a path that led to destruction. The true name of the father, like I said before, was taken out of the Bible, 6, 000. Six hundred times and was replaced with Lord, meaning Bell. Now, now that you know this. What Lord means, how can you call Yahuah by that title, the title of a false God?
So that's why you would not hear the titles of God and Lord. They're simply not Bible and man does not have the power to change or name the eternal Godhead. Now, let’s talk about the sun, all right? Because most of you may be thinking like, okay, that's the name of the father, but what about the son? Well, let's talk about it turn with me to the book of John chapter 1 and we're going to read verses 1 through 5 It says in the beginning was the word and the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim the same was in the beginning with Elohim verse 3 All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. Verse five. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. So, if we read that, and we digest it just a little bit, we can see. The same thing that was said to Moses, we can see the same thing that was said to Jeremiah. When Moses asked the name of the father, he said, I am, John says, all things were made by him.
I am. So, we’re talking about the same deity here. The same deity is without him, not anything made that was made in him was life in the life was the light of men and the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. So we're talking about the same spirit, the same deity that revealed itself to Moses, the same deity that spoke to Jeremiah and said, listen, my name ain't more as bell.
They are prophesying lies. It's the same deity. John is talking about now, let's go to, again, we're going to stay in first John. Let's go to verse 12 through 14. It says, but as many as received him to them, he gave power to be called the sons of Yahuah. Even to them that believe on his name, which was not born.
Of the will of man or of blood or the will of the flesh of yeah, verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory. Glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Something changed here. It says that word that was in the beginning now has become flesh.
So a lot of people think there’s right. So if you take water. And you put it into the freezer and it becomes solid. Is it water and ice? Two, two different things? Or did the water become solid? It's water, right? It's not two. You can't say, I'm gonna take water, put it in the freezer, and I'm gonna have water, and I'm gonna have ice.
Well, that's two different things. No, you're taking that water, and that water is becoming solid because it's in the freezer. So, the water is the same one. So here, John is talking about, if we go back and we look at John chapter one, it says, In the beginning, Was the word and that word was with Elohim in the word was Elohim the same was in the beginning with Elohim now I want you to focus on that word and I want I want to go with you to the book of John Chapter 14 listen folks.
I can't make this up. Like I said, I'm gonna keep it 100 percent Bible I can't make this up and I want you to hear it from the father's mouth for you You don't think this This is my interpretation. So keep that word in the beginning and the word became flesh. Keep it there. Now go with me to John chapter 14.
We're going to read from verse 2 to 10, starting in verse 2. Now this is Yahushua talking to his disciples. Yahushua says in my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself.
That where I am, there you may be also. And whether I go. You know in the way, you know verse 5 is kind of funny here. Thomas says unto Yahushua We don't know where you're going. So how can we know the way? Yahushua says unto him I am the way the truth and the life No man cometh unto the father, but by me Yahushua says verse 7 he says If you had known me, you should have known my father also in henceforth, like he's saying nine, you know, you said from henceforth, you know, him and have seen Philip said unto him, Yahuah, show us the father.
And that'd be enough for us to believe. Verse nine. Yahusha says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. How sayest thou then, Show us the Father? Believe thou that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. The words that I speak unto you.
I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwells in me. He doeth the work. Do you see that? Yahushua, as I said before, if you take water and you put it into the freezer and it becomes ice, you don't have water and ice. You have water. The water just became solid. Yahushua says. In verse 10, he said, the words that he speak, he doesn't speak of himself, but the father that dwelleth in him, he doeth the work.
It goes back to Moses when Yahuah said, I am, meaning I'm everything. It goes back to John when John said, in the beginning was the word and the word, there was nothing made. That wasn't made by the word, then it says the word becomes flesh. Yahushua says, the words that he speak, these are not my words. I'm just an image, brother.
The words that I speak is my father. My father doeth the work. Do you see how that all coincides? It makes sense now that the word became flesh. There's no word and son. It's only word that becomes flesh. There's no water or ice. It's water that became solid, if that makes sense. So therefore, If the word that was spoken into Moses, introduced himself as Yahuah, and if that word was in the beginning and made everything, then everything that was made was made by Yaa.
And if that word became flesh, then he said, this is my name forever. And to all generations, then that word name got to be YAHUAH. So, the son said, it is not me that is doing the work. These are not my words. These are the words of my father and the Father name is YAHUAH. The father also, the son also said, I come in my father's name.
So what do that mean? The name never changed. It never changed. Do you see that? So, the same name that was said unto Moses and all the people, it never changed. Even the son said, I'm not changing that name. He said, in fact, I'm coming in that name. So if you look at John chapter five, verse 43, Yahusha says, I have come in my father's name and you do not receive me.
If any other comes in his own name, him, you will receive. So the name of the son is Yahushua. What that means is Yah, the same deity that spoke to Moses and revealed his name. Yahushua meaning salvation. The Bible says when the angel Gabriel came to Mary, he said, you should conceive a son. And you should call his name Yahushua because he's going to save his people.
So, Yahushua means salvation. Yah has become our salvation. So the name of the son is just identical with the name of the father.
The creator of all I am the creator of all I Am has become our salvation. So it goes back to John and the word became flesh. So that name been consistent. So yet ask ourselves, got the power to change such a name. Therefore, therefore. What you will hear on this podcast and what this podcast will be built upon is the rock when yahusha said He is the way the truth and the light and that no man can come unto the father But by him so this is why we are called followers of the way You will not find in Scripture, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, anyone claiming religion, anyone telling you Christianity or Islam or whatever religion, Catholics, is the way.
It's not Bible, everything is consistent to what the father said to Moses, he said, this is my name. And we understand that in order to get to heaven, the Bible says to many that has received him in, in the book of John chapter one. Uh, John chapter one, verse 12, he says, but as many has received him, who was him, Yahushua, meaning what?
Put their faith in him to them, not to everybody, to them. The Bible says he gave power to be called the sons of Yahuah, even to them that believe on his name. So, in order to be a follower of the way you got to believe in what, Christianity? Wrong. You gotta believe in what? Muslims? Wrong. You gotta believe in what?
The sun god? Wrong. You gotta believe in what? Just throw your hands up and say, I believe? Wrong. These are called era. Like in the book of Jeremiah, he said, these prophets, Prophesize lies and cause my peep to error.
So here on this podcast, this is what we will represent. This is what you will hear followers of the way in who is that way? Yahushua. Why? Because he's the only truth, the only way, and the only way we can get to the father. The only way we can inherit eternal life, we must believe in him, the Bible says, in order to be called the sons of Yahuah, and we must believe in his name.
His name is what gives us access to heaven. If you stood before that heavenly door and it asked by what authority should we let you in? And you say any other name. Let me tell you, my friend, you will be rejected access from getting into those gates. So that's why we are here called followers of the way.
Let there be light. And I'm going to leave you at one last scripture. And that scripture is, I believe it is in the book of Acts, chapter four, verse 12. Peter said, neither is there salvation in any other. For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. You see how everything goes back to the name.
The name that was. Given to Moses, it can be seen in every single generation and that name, Yahuah, that name, Yahushua, never changes. That is his name. Therefore, follow and not religion. So, I hope you understand what this podcast will be about and what it stands for. Tune in. Um, feel free to email me if there's any topics or anything that you would like me to talk about, I'm here to serve you.
But again, like I said, this is not open to debate. This is not about who's wrong or who's right. That debate has been already settled. The Bible clearly states heaven and earth should pass away. So, whatever you say, whatever you believe, whatever I believe will pass away. But he said my word. He said, his word abideth forever.
So that's what you will hear that, that which abideth forever, which is the eternal word of Yahuah. So that's my time. Feel free to, um, send me your thoughts, comment me, uh, send me comments, whether good or bad, I will reply. And until next time, continue to seek truth, continue to pray for light that your understanding will be lightened.
Continue to seek truth because that's the only way you can expose the spirit of error until next time family in the name of Yahushua. Well, before I go, I would like to end with a prayer. Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for each and every one that hears this podcast, each and every one that would want to commit and stay faithful, each and every one that is seeking and knocking and asking for truth.
Each and every one that has been burdened and yoked down and held down by religion. Those that are thirsting and want to know there got to be something else than what I'm getting. Cause religion is beginning to fail people. People are beginning to wake up. Father, I pray right now, anyone that is hearing this in the name of Yahushua, that you will set them free, that you will rebuke their devourer, that you will rebuke their spirit of lack, and that you will fill them according to your purpose, according to your goodness, according to your word.
Let your will be done, Father, for it is written, upon this rock you will build your church, and that the gates of hell will be Prevail. Will not prevail against those that have their faith and trust upon this rot. So, Father, I ask that the spirit of Yahuah continually go before our face and make our crooked road straight.
That our dry valleys, let them be flowing with milk and honey all the days of our life and our seed seeds life. But Father gives us the spirit and the boldness and the zeal. The knowledge, the wisdom, the scripture and spiritual understanding to hold on to the altar of truth and not to let go and not to sell it.
Even though there be many around us who don't believe this gospel, who don't believe that your name is Yahuah, who don't believe there's only one way and straight and narrow is that way that led to everlasting life. And many and few will find it. But broad is the gate, and wide is the road that lead to destruction.
Let those that seek truth, that know truth, stand upon this rock, and give the zeal, the power, the protection, to protect it, and to stand for it, and to be willing to lay down their lives for it, Father. As long as I have breath, I will commit myself to these people, by giving them nothing but the truth. Let us not, and let me not, be like the prophets that prophesied lies in your names.
They give message that does this that do not profit the people that will call these people to error. Hold me responsible father for such things. I desire to give truth and nothing but the truth and whatever comes with that. So be it. For it is written, no weapon that is formed should prosper in the name of Yahushua.
May you be blessed in his name.